Love and friendship sustain two women who continue to run their upscale, beachside hotel in Florida as life continues to bring unexpected challenges...
The Beach House Hotel, the seaside mansion Ann Rutherford and Rhonda DelMonte converted to an upscale, boutique hotel, continues to be a success. Not only is it the spot for breakfast and lunch, it’s become the “IN” place for dinner. The sudden, unexpected deaths of Ann’s ex and his wife, leave the care of their son, Robbie, to Ann’s daughter, Liz, while she is still in college. Ann and Vaughn decide to relieve Liz of this responsibility by adopting Robbie as Rhonda becomes both a mother and grandmother. Vaughn’s plane disappears on a fishing trip in Alaska at the same time they learn investors want to buy the hotel. Ann and Rhonda are faced with one of the biggest decisions of their lives. The hotel is their baby too—their pride and joy. But they know no matter what the future holds, their love and friendship for each other will endure.
A light, “beach read” with humor sprinkled in for readers’ enjoyment. Be sure to read the next books in the series! Christmas at The Beach House Hotel, Margaritas at The Beach House Hotel, and Dessert at The Beach House Hotel. Or read the earlier books – Breakfast at The Beach House Hotel and Lunch at the Beach House Hotel