This lushly detailed historical novel tells the story of the tenth-century Byzantine princess Theophano, who ruled as empress during the last days of the Roman Empire. Her story is told through the eyes of her companion and adviser, Aspasia, a widow and royal princess in her own right. At eighteen years old, Theophano is sent to become the wife of Otto II, the Holy Roman Emperor, and must win the devotion of her new husband and people. Meanwhile, Aspasia begins a dangerous love affair with Otto the Great's Moorish physician. When Otto II is unexpectedly killed in battle, the kingdom is left to his infant son, and Empress Theophano must fight one of the greatest wars of succession of the Dark Ages to protect her realm from the throne's rival, Henry of Burgundy.
Judith Tarr is the author of more than forty widely praised novels, including The Throne of Isis, White Mare’s Daughter, and Queen of Swords, as well as eight novels in the Avaryan Chronicles. A graduate of Yale and Cambridge, she holds degrees in ancient and medieval history and breeds Lipizzan horses at Dancing Horse Farm, her home in Vail, Arizona.
Anna Fields was born and raised in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A scriptwriter for As the World Turns, she is also a successful playwright and stand-up comedian. She now lives in New York City.