Primrose Fernetise, a beautiful audacious twelve-year-old girl, and a group of woodland animals with divine mystical abilities set out on an adventurous mission to Hellevue, a murky island on the dreary part of Mystopical. Their daring mission involves defeating the evil sorceress Queen Evelyn Velecrona and breaking the curse she has cast on humanity. How do the woodland animals and Primrose plan and embark on their brave voyage to defeat the wicked sorceress?
Will the bunch of lovable woodland animals and an innocent twelve-year-old girl really succeed in bringing down the dreadful Queen Evelyn? Also, will they be able to bring back peace, well-being, and happiness to humanity? Please consider listening to this entire audiobook to learn more about this epic fairy tale.
Kiara Shankar is a talented fourteen-year-old author/songwriter from San Francisco, California, USA. Apart from writing books and songs, she loves reading and artwork. Her recent books, Primrose's Curse and Avocado the Turtle, have been published in fourteen different languages including English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, and more.
Vinay Shankar is a software professional who found himself inspired by his daughter's idea of writing books and songs and who decided to co-write them with her. The duo's collaborative effort is helping to bring great ideas to life! The pop hits penned by the father-daughter duo-sung by singers Primrose Fernetise, Francesca Shankar, Vin Cooper, Marla Malvins, and SpotZ the Frenchie-are now streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and more digital music streaming platforms.