Three books with an ocean of information and wisdom, based on the ancient art of feng shui.
Book 1: Decorating and Enhancing Your Life and Home: The peaceful, balanced art of feng shui originates in China. In this book, the origin will be explained, as well as various applications to your interior design, the rooms in your home, and the harmony you cherish every day. You will learn, among others:
Book 2: Your Life and Happiness in Balance and Harmony: Just when you thought you knew all about it, this book came out with more useful and interesting information about feng shui. Dive into the world of feng shui, with all its symbolism, balancing powers and energies, and practical ways of engraving these philosophies on your free spirit. This guide will increase your comprehension of feng shui and share with you, among others:
Book 3: Wealth, Health, and Improved Relationships: The feng shui lifestyle has a tremendous influence on the way you raise your children, how you feel, and how much wealth you attract in your life. This clear way of thinking boosts all three of these areas through careful planning, organizing, and decluttering. Aromas, colors, and symbols can all add to the experience of living a balanced life. You will learn, among others: