When it comes to losing weight, a lot of people mostly just choose to drink green juices, or stop eating what they think is making them fat. However, one thing that most people fail to consider that can help them is tea. Tea contains amazing catechins that can easily flood the bloodstream, and get rid of toxins in your body, making sure that you get to absorb the nutrients you need—and that you lose up to 10 pounds each week! Aside from that, and with the help of this audiobook, you’ll be able to learn about the following: The kind of teas that boost metabolism, and can help you lose weight; some of the best teas for a tea cleanse diet; how to be motivated to drink tea + benefits of tea, and recipes of hot and cold teas, among others. You will also learn about cakes that you can eat while on the diet, how you can enjoy tea better, and what you can expect from the diet. Listen to this audiobook now, and surely, you’ll have a better, healthier life—free of toxins and things you don’t need, all thanks to tea!
Here Are Some of the simple and efficient things to Learn and Apply from this AudioBook:-