Legends: A Young Adult Racing Novel

Doug Solter · Kimesimuliwa na AI na Madelyn (kutoka Google)
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Saa 7 dakika 22
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Kimesimuliwa na AI
Ukadiriaji na maoni hayajahakikishwa  Pata Maelezo Zaidi
Je, ungependa sampuli ya Dakika 29? Sikiliza wakati wowote, hata ukiwa nje ya mtandao. 

Kuhusu kitabu hiki cha kusikiliza

She only has eight races left to turn it all around. Only at the bottom does Samantha finally understand. She's pushed everyone away. A comeback? That's almost impossible. How can Samantha convince the team to believe in her again? And the competition on the track is fierce. Samantha needs an edge. But she has no idea where to look or anyone willing to help her find it.

Being around Samantha is awkward and difficult, so Manny distracts himself by working on his new experimental transmission. It's revolutionary...but so far unreliable. Another welcome distraction is Hanna. She's willing to help her ex-boyfriend forget all about Samantha.

LEGENDS is the third book in the SKID young adult racing romance series that features engaging drama, high speed excitement, and complex characters. If you want a character-driven story that grabs your attention from page one while still making you cry, then you’ll love the third installment in Doug Solter's totally original young adult series.

Click or tap the Buy Button and experience the end of Samantha's stunning season today!

For ages 13 through Adult.

Categories: young adult sports, formula 1, sports romance, young adult sports series, racing romance, teen novels, young adult action, young adult racing drama, teen boy books, and teen sports romance.

Kuhusu mwandishi

Doug Solter has worked behind the scenes in local television for over twenty-five years. He has directed rap music videos and short films. Doug respects cats. Loves the mountains. And once walked the streets of Barcelona with a smile. Doug is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. He lives in Pennsylvania.

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