After learning about the disappearance of his mentor, Mecha Knight, Kevin Jason (Bolt) allies with a powerful yet aloof superhero to find him, although their conflicting personalities and methods make for teeth-clenched teamwork.
There is far more to Mecha Knight's disappearance than meets the eye, however, and soon Bolt finds himself surrounded on all sides by many of his old foes, back to exact their revenge on him. Things become even more complicated with the return of a long-lost family member, forcing Bolt to move quickly and decisively if he is going to not only find Mecha Knight but survive.
All of that pales in comparison to the secret of the mysterious Project Revival, a secret that threatens to destroy the entire superhuman community unless Bolt can stop it. If he can stop it, that is.
KEYWORDS: superhero action fiction, superhero fantasy, superhero fiction novel, superhero science fiction, superhero scifi, superhero young adult, superhero city, superhero books, superhero action, superhero books for kids, superheroes, cool superheroes, action adventure books, superhero action adventure books, action adventure fiction, superhero action adventure fiction, young adult action adventure, action adventure young adult, young adult audiobooks, superhero audiobooks, action adventure audiobooks, coming of age audiobooks
Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction. He is the author of The Superhero’s Son, Minimum Wage Sidekick, The Legacy Superhero, and Capes Online, among others. He lives in Oklahoma City.
Find links to books, social media, updates on newest releases, and more by going to his website at