Are you dealing with a child who has a lot of tantrums? Does it feel like you can’t take them anywhere because the tantrums are just getting too bad? Do you feel hopeless and like everyone is judging you about the way that your child behaves? Many children have tantrums and it is a part of their normal development. But being able to handle these tantrums in a safe and effective manner can prevent the headaches and can make life easier with a toddler. This audiobook is going to take some time to talk about effective ways to set boundaries and discipline your child when they try to push those boundaries, without having to deal with the tantrums.No parent wants to be the one who has to discipline their child, but if your child throws tantrums or has trouble learning how to behave properly, then it is your job to step in.
Here Are Some of the Chapters and Things Covered In this AudioBook:-I have worked with many parents and trust me you are not a bad parent. You just need some guidance and that's what you are going to get with my audiobook. Some of the techniques in this audiobook are quick and easy to apply to get you started!