Manipulation brings with it a lot of adverse connotation, but at some stage we've all used it, and it's probable we've also been a topic. It's just the method used to get someone to do something particular for you. It can be presented in the form of a television commercial, a road billboard ad, or a sales person attempting to persuade you to buy a product or service. In your daily social, private and career lives, psychological manipulation abilities can be very helpful.
This book can be your guide to manipulation in all its aspects–from the very basics to the techniques you can use to manipulate others, such as persuasion, mind control, and NLP, to the tactics used by malicious manipulators on innocent people to hurt and take advantage of them, as well as how to combat them. At your fingertips, it's all in here.
In this book you’ll learn:
And Much, Much More
Open your eyes and take control of your live!