"The Malice of Inanimate Objects" is a short ghost story by the British author M.R. James. It is the penultimate story which M.R. James wrote and the last of his stories to be published during his lifetime. It first appeared in print in the June 1933 issue of the Eton College magazine The Masquerade.
The story describes how a vengeful ghost uses a variety of everyday objects to take revenge on a wrongdoer.
ghost story, horror, supernatural short story, fantasy and horror classics Canon Alberic's Scrap-Book, Lost Hearts, The Mezzotint, The Ash-tree, Number 13, Count Magnus, 'Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad', The Treasure of Abbot Thomas, A School Story, The Rose Garden, The Tractate Middoth, Casting the Runes, The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral, Martin's Close, Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance, A Warning to the Curious