If you want to influence, persuade, or inspire your team, clients, or a room of colleagues, you need to be a skilled speaker. Are your communications skills up to par? Can you think on your feet and deliver a compelling message at any moment? Learn how to deliver presentations, lead meetings, and communicate the company vision with ease and confidence, speaking in a compelling manner that arrests attention and makes people want to follow you.
Use the time-tested strategies in this audio collection from America's leading communicators and bestselling authors to learn and practice your skills. Your words matter, as does how you carry yourself when you speak. When you communicate your vision with passion and fire, you will move people into action.
Some people say communication skills are essential to your business success, but advanced skills are rarely taught in schools and universities. Now you can learn at your own pace at a time that's convenient for you, while you commute or workout. Understand how you can become a "leader manager" and advance your position in the workplace.
John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than twenty-four million books in fifty languages. Often called America's #1 leadership authority, Maxwell was identified as the most popular leadership expert in the world by Inc. magazine in 2014. And he has been voted the top leadership professional six years in a row on LeadershipGurus.net.
Dianna Booher is the author of forty-eight books, published in sixty-one foreign-language editions, with approximately four million copies sold. She is founder and CEO of Booher Research Institute. She also founded and served as CEO of Booher Consultants, Inc., a communication training firm, for more than three decades. In both organizations, she taught communication programs and coached executives on leadership communication issues.
Dr. Larry Iverson has educated, motivated, and entertained audiences for nearly thirty years. A top-ten bestselling author on iTunes, he has worked with over one million people—everyone from Olympic athletes to Fortune 500 companies—delivering persuasive communication strategies and leadership tactics you can apply right now.