Raising extraordinary children is an elusive feat for many dads because most have never had training on how to do it. In this concise audio program, top motivational and parenting experts will teach you how to raise happy, healthy, self-confident children who will always love and respect you for doing an exceptional job as their dad! The biggest regret parents have later in life is not spending enough time with their children, feeling they didn’t do a good enough job. The true measure of how good a dad you are is how well your children turn out. The great news is it’s never too late to become an exceptional parent—and it’s actually quite simple. This program offers easy-to-follow steps that can provide remarkable long-term rewards, as well as the tools you need to be an absolutely outstanding parent. Become a super dad today!
Brian Tracy es Presidente y CEO de Brian Tracy International, una empresa especializada en la formación y desarrollo de individuos y organizaciones. Ha sido consultor de más de 1.000 empresas y se dirigió a más de 5 millones de personas en 5000 charlas y seminarios en todo Estados Unidos, Canadá y otros 55 países de todo el mundo. Como conferencista principal y líder de seminario, habla a más de 250.000 personas cada año. Ha escrito y producido más de 300 programas de aprendizaje en audio y video, incluyendo el best seller mundial Psychology of Achievement, que ha sido traducido a más de 20 idiomas.
Kevin L. McCrudden, “Mr. Motivation,” a Made for Success talent, is the only motivational and leadership speaker in America to ever have a day of recognition passed by the United States Congress.
Brad Worthley is an accomplished business consultant with over forty-two years of management experience. He is also an internationally acclaimed leadership, customer service, and motivational expert who has trained hundreds of thousands of people in a wide range of industries throughout the world since 1991. He has authored four books and produced numerous training videos and audio programs.