Maximum Success

· Penguin Random House Audio · Lukija: Dick Sutphen
58 min
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Tietoa tästä äänikirjasta

LEARN TO BE ULTRASUCCESSFUL THROUGH POWERFUL MIND PROGRAMMINGThis turbocharged audio program is like a boot camp that can jump-start your ability to succeed at whatever you would like in life. It does so by using the unique "Hemi-Pentonic" technique, which works to synchronize both of your brain hemispheres. Track 1 gives you a short introduction to the program. Then, in track 2, you will be taken through the process: You'll hear about 3 seconds of "paced" suggestions, followed by 6 seconds of 3-D effects, then more suggestions, over and over. The follow-response, cycle-per-second effects generate an eyes-open, light-level altered state in which your subconscious mind is receptive to positive suggestions, including: You now focus your energy upon attaining great success, success, success. You recognize and grasp opportunities to succeed You are powerful and confident. You succeed. Yes. Do it. You know exactly what you want and you go for it. It's right for you. You can accomplish whatever you want to do. Do it. Do it now.The suggestions you hear spoken are also embedded as subliminals behind the 3-D effects to increase the life-changing power. You'll feel like you're listening to the future . . . and in a way you are. This programming will help you realize the future you desire to have!

Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Dick Sutphen was a psychic researcher, past-life therapist, prolific author, and popular speaker. He began his career offering his metaphysical seminars in the late 196s around Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Sedona, Arizona, and since then over 25, people have attended one of his Sutphen Seminars, retreats, or workshops. He authored 25 books, including the million-copy bestseller You Were Born Again to Be Together, and he was the first person to put hypnosis programming on audio for sale, creating over 9 audio products between 1976 and 211. Dick appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, including the Phil Donahue Show, Good Morning America, and Tom Snyder's Tomorrow Show-where he conducted the first televised past-life regression. He also spoke regularly at festivals and professional organizations, bringing his wisdom to hundreds of thousands of faithful followers of his works. A leader in the field of hypnosis, Dick was honored with many awards throughout his career, including an honorary lifetime membership to the International Hypnosis Federation and the Lifetime Achievement Humanitarian Award presented by the Hypnotherapy Academy in May 219. Dick passed away on September 1, 22, and is survived by his wife, Roberta, and their Lhasa apso puppies.

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