Throughout your life you may have developed a negative relationship with money. This may be due to the negative or limiting beliefs your parents had around wealth or because of your earlier exposure to experiences and events that created a lack mentality. To experience abundance and wealth, it is necessary to acknowledge the existence of these limiting beliefs in your vibration, release them and cultivate a wealth consciousness that allows money, opportunities, resources, and many other good things to flow into your life effortlessly.
There is a common belief that you need to hustle and work hard to earn money. This is not true. This universe is abundant, and wealth is available to everyone who is open to receiving it. Abundance is not supposed to be a lot of work. It is allowed to be easy! Wealthy people know this and now you do, too. To allow this abundance and wealth come to you, you need to first remove any blockages and negative beliefs about money. If you were taught to believe that money is the root of all evil, you are allowed to let go of that belief in this meditation. If you have a scarcity mindset and anxiety around spending money, you can choose to replace these beliefs with the certainty and trust that all your needs are always met. Often, your desire to manifest massive wealth is simultaneously blocked by your fear of not being able to handle large amounts of money. Whatever belief, experience or event has created this resistance within you, you can choose to dissolve them and raise your vibration to the frequency of wealth, abundance, and love.