In the forgotten magical city of Moonhaven, the Summer Solstice nears. The young witches of Moonhaven prepare for the Solstice Trials, a series of magical challenges meant to prove their worth.
During the first trial, Isolde Faelan becomes possessed by an ancient, enigmatic entity that has been lying dormant, waiting for the solstice's powerful magic to awaken it. This possession grants her incredible power but also brings perilous risks and uncontrollable urges.
Her involuntary actions bring her closer to Emrys Wilder, a fellow competitor and talented wizard. When he discovers her secret, they must find a way to balance their budding relationship, navigate the trials, and the danger posed by the ancient entity. As they grow closer, they realize that their bond might be the key to overcoming the possession and emerging victorious in the Solstice Trials.
Can Isolde uncover the spirit's past, and master its magic before it consumes her completely?
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Witches of Moonhaven is a series of interconnected standalones.