Mexico Wall

I. D. Oro · AA bidezko narrazioa, Michelle narratzailearen ahotsarekin (Google-koa)
58 iritzi
6 h 36 min
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AA bidezko narrazioa
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Ita a 17 year old teen lives in a world where President Kleptomaniac alters the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 14th and 25th Amendments. Everyone outside of the 1% of the rich is now illegally in the country and subject to deportation to Mexico.


Dump-water turns Ita’s life into chaos during a night raid. Now her uncle Wilford faces federal charges of terrorism for possessing bullets in his property. If Wilford loses, Ita is facing the nightmare possibility of having to defend herself in court for being an accomplice to her uncle. Without the free legal help of a public defender, they face looming jail time in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba with the rest of the new bullet terrorist.


Wilford and Ita need a lot of money quickly. A sketchy character with a treasure map offers Ita a wonderful amount of money for her help. A tough decision follows along with an adventure.



(Word Count 66, 161)

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58 iritzi

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