Michael Susko, a founder parent, taught at a progressive elementary school, which featured the sciences and arts integration. His familiarity with symbolism comes from having given workshops on dream symbolism and teaching courses on "Personal Archetypes of Western Civilization," and "The Sacred Art of Indigenous Cultures." His varied interests helped inspired the author to write the first of a series in "A Couple Through Time."
The author, who has a M.S. in Counseling Psychology, has varied experiences which helped him to write the Up Above Story. For many years, he worked as a counselor in a Psychiatric Halfway House Counselor, and as a Homeless Outreach Worker for Social Services. He has been active in the rights of psychiatric patients, collecting and edited oral histories for publication. Last, as president of CIRCARE, he became familiar with risks that could arise from scientific research. The author gives real-life witness to dramas, little known to the larger world.