Midnight Shadows

· Midnight Bok 3 · Tantor Media Inc · Lest av Jillian Macie
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1 t 43 min
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She sees shadows that aren't there. Gifted harpist Allegra Kowalski has had risky surgery to restore her sight. It has been a long hard road back. Her husband, former SEAL Douglas Kowalski, has been with her every step of the way, loving and protective, but is no longer the sex god in bed he used to be. He treats her like a fragile piece of glass. He loves her deeply but won't touch her. He can't see that she is ready to be a wife again and not a patient. On vacation in a luxury resort on a gorgeous Greek isle, Allegra vows to seduce her husband, to bring their marriage back to what it was before. She wants her music and her husband back and on that magical island in the Mediterranean, she gets her wish. And when danger strikes, Allegra learns just how much her husband loves her and how strong she can be when the shadows that haunted her are banished forever. Contains mature themes.

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Om forfatteren

Romantic suspense author Lisa Marie Rice is known for crafting stories full of passion, danger, adventure, and love. Among her books are the Dangerous series, the Midnight series, and the stand-alone titles A Fine Specimen, The Italian, and Woman on the Run.

Jillian Macie loves narrating audiobooks, especially racy stories with strong female protagonists. When not in the recording booth, you can find her running on the trails near her home or chauffeuring her children to all of their various activities.

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