Healthy Sleeping Habits: The Ultimate Guide on How to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health Through Better Sleep
Some people have experimented with the idea of sleeping in two chunks instead of one long night. This idea has come about mostly because many of us have lifestyles that aren’t conducive to sleeping nine hours a night, and history shows that two sleeping shifts were common in some households in the past.
During the most extended sleeping, prehistoric people would visit friends, have sex, pray, and do other calming activities during the sleep break. Not much can be done without sunlight, so nothing too active. Then after a couple of hours, they would go back to sleep until sunrise.
The main thing to understand about the past is that we did not have electricity then, and therefore night-time was longer due to not having artificial lighting. With this standard, they often slept about ten hours a night, in two approximately five-hour shifts. Additionally, people did not have regular jobs like they do now and instead lived off the land, and their time was used differently.
In this audiobook, you will learn The Ultimate Guide on How to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health Through Better Sleep! So what are you waiting for, download a copy of Healthy Sleeping Habits today!