Solving a cold case after two hundred years
When Daisy heard about a mysterious skeleton that had been dug up in a forest clearing, she was all fired up with curiosity. But there was no way she would ever get involved in finding its identity and explaining how it had come to be there. Until, that is, the young vicar of Bottomleigh came to see her about an entirely different affair.
Everyone knew about the vicar’s interest in history; it was no surprise that he wanted an 18th century grave in a far corner of his churchyard to be opened; he had some doubts about the death of the man buried there. But in order to investigate, Daisy’s permission was needed, as she was the dead man’s last living relative. She gave her blessing at once.
Then the grave turned out to be empty. The coffin only contained a few rocks. What on earth was going on? The quest for answers would lead to the elucidation of a two-hundred-year-old mystery—and as it happened the original ‘skeleton from the clearing’ was involved as well.