In a galaxy ruled by a tyrant for centuries, Alexander Selwood finds himself caught between opposing forces. As the first immortal, he harbors unimaginable secrets, but his greatest fear is falling into the clutches of the despotic ruler himself, Cesar Thaxter. Little does Alexander know, a clandestine group of rebels is determined to use his abilities to build a sanctuary against Thaxter's iron grip.
But when the consequences of his actions unravel into a dangerous web, Alexander can no longer stand on the sidelines. Forced to make a choice that may have dire repercussions, he embarks on a thrilling journey that will test his strength, principles, and the bonds he holds dear.
Immerse yourself in The Elitist Supremacy, a spellbinding science fiction adventure set in the expanses of space. Join a morally complex LGBT+ protagonist as he navigates the treacherous waters of a dystopian world reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984. Captivating and infused with the spirit of the Firefly and Serenity series, this character-driven tale introduces a vibrant ensemble cast and explores the depths of found families, loyalty, and sacrifice. With a dash of wit from an AI companion who's no stranger to snark, this page-turner delivers an experience reminiscent of the unforgettable V for Vendetta.
Dive into a mesmerizing universe where secrets hold the power to save or destroy, and embark on an epic adventure filled with twists, turns, and unforeseen consequences. The Elitist Supremacy will leave you breathless, yearning for more, and pondering the intricacies of choice and its profound effects.