⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Suspenseful and entertaining. It kept me anticipating the next move and when she would begin to suspect the danger that she was in. Hard to put down!”
Selena longs to flee her uneasy home life. Prepping every spare minute for a college escape, the headstrong, high school senior vows never to be like her alcoholic mom with her string of abusive boyfriends. So when Selena finds her beaten nearly to death, she knows safety is slipping away...
With her mother's violent lover evading justice, Selena's cute new beau's offer to move in seems Heaven-sent. But jealous rage and a renewed search for her long-lost father threaten to pull her back into harm's way.
Can Selena break free of an ugly past, or will brutal men crush her hopes of a better future?
Taking place immediately after the end of Echoes of Her, Martina Monroe Book 12, Not Like Her is the first book in the Selena Bailey series—a collection of suspenseful fiction detailing young Selena's turbulent path to becoming a top-notch private investigator under the guidance of her mentor, Martina Monroe. If you like thrilling twists, dark tension, and smart and driven young women, then you’ll love this dark thriller series.