Of Irises Blue

Mireille Pavane · AA bidezko narrazioa, Ava narratzailearen ahotsarekin (Google-koa)
54 min
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AA bidezko narrazioa
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Audio-liburu honi buruz

Infidelity and disillusionment send Vivien fleeing to her childhood home where she has spent many a vivid, carefree summer. When she arrives in Montigney, she finds it is as glorious as her memories. But Montigney is also haunted by the past. As the dusk grows near and the shadows lengthen, Vivien is forced to confront the consequences of a chance encounter in Montigney seven summers ago.

Egileari buruz

Mireille Pavane cannot recall exactly when she began messing about with books and literature but since then (brainwashed at a young age by the French and Russian writers and E.M. Forster), it has remained an abiding love. Mireille continues to scribble away in secret when not otherwise distracted by a professional career or gardening duties in her alternate life. She also has an unhealthy curiosity and fondness for footnotes which she attempts to curtail from time to time. Mireille is a member of the international and local chapters of the Village Idiots’ Guild.

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