Nathan “98nath” Slachter
My criticism is that at the end of the book You’ll find a section in either the appendix or conclusion where they talk about Presbyterian pastor Francis A Schaffer. (I’ll link articles below if possible) At first glance this guy seems great speaking out against christians that idolise stuff and further speaks out against the watered down prosperity Gospel, however that’s as far as I can go when it comes to this man as he essentially endorses the heresy of the 7 mountain mandate . (Please google it) but essentially this theological perspective states that christians must take over 7 key areas of society. Some these areas include government, education, culture, arts and entertainment just to name a few. Schaffer talks about what he calls. Here’s a quote from the book “ True spirituality” which is defined as a” biblical authentic spirituality regarding salvation , marriage, sexuality, economics, science government, politics, art , culture, law government and every part of life(”) which in my mind is basically saying your not a True Christian unless you take over society and follow 7 mountain mandate. According Schaffer “non biblical spirituality”is when a Christian confines themselves to church attendance , personal prayer, bible study, evangelism and worship. First when I talk about this I want to make a couple of small points. 1. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15 KJV) 2. 3. this doesn’t mean hey guys take over every area of society and make everyone want to follow so that everything gets better before I comeback to set up my Kingdom in Israel . 1. We are in the world but not of it. (1 John 2:15kjv ) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. If your a Christian your reading this review you aren’t required to take over spheres of influence to turn a nation around. The bible passages that I could list that would fly in the face of what this man is saying would be endless . If your a new convert all I can say is get yourself a good King James Bible and find a church where the preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ if all you do as Christian is go to church , devote yourself to personal prayer, do a good solid bible study or devotional, worship God and evangelise, then here to tell you keep doing what your doing and chances are that when you come to Christ and are truly born again your world view in the areas above will change and you will see things from a biblical perspective but that doesn’t mean you need to be the next , Bill gates or the next Donald Trump or the next Shakesphere The mark a True biblical Christian is faithfully following Jesus obeying his commands and doing all that God calls you to do. Ultimately should you read this book, yes but do ensure that you are aware of false teachings such as the 7 mountain mandate , over spiritualised experiences and terminology I would probably give this book 3 out of 5 bad herses and a certain uncomfortable push for unity and the catholic take over , on the positive good eschatology teaching with a wealth of knowledge on history and the New world order. In saying all of this I’m not perfect and I certainly would never to claim to be and I don’t always like the idea of denying myself at or if it came to the crunch and God asked to sell everything I own) ( at least my flesh doesn’t ) But what I can tell you is that if I 100% knew for sure that God was asking to do it I would even if I didn’t want too. Why because I acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ is my Lord and saviour and that I’ll do what he asks of me snd follow his commands because he died for me and took the punishment of my sin do that I don’t have to burn in hell. Even if for some reason I were to die tomorrow and find out Jesus never truly knew me, the least I can do is ensure that you who read this don’t end up their.