In this thrilling final chapter of the Lonesome Lawmen series, Debra Kirby's once lonesome boys have found their paths in life, leaving her longing for a taste of excitement and romance. After years of quiet solitude, a spontaneous plane ride to a friend's wedding offered by the dashing Donovan Kincaid might just be the adventure she seeks.
But when the journey takes an unexpected turn, Debra and Donovan find themselves embroiled in danger and intrigue. Suddenly, Debra's idle wish for excitement becomes a high-stakes reality. Can this "lonesome mama" navigate her newfound adventure and potential romance, and will she be able to overcome the dangers that threaten her survival?
Join Debra and Donovan in a heart-stopping, passionate tale of danger, love, and the courage to embrace life's unexpected challenges.
Previous books in the series:
The Last Enemy
Byte Me
Missing You