“You Can’t Run Away,” a short mystery story, delves into the poignant journey of a soldier navigating through the aftermath of two wars - WWII and Korea, only to find that the concept of "home" has drastically changed. In a genre known for its gritty and unapologetic storytelling, this narrative stands out for its rare blend of sensitivity and nostalgia, intertwining the worlds of crime and a war-hardened G.I. With a storytelling style reminiscent of a legal case from Abraham Lincoln's almanac, the author, Phillip Weck, captures the essence of human connection amidst turbulent times. The central theme of the story not only explores the meeting of two souls but also raises a profound question - can love prevail even in the face of unspeakable violence? Elevating this compelling narrative is the masterful narration by award-winning narrator Mike Vendetti, who breathes life into the characters and events, immersing listeners in the emotional depth of the tale.