Playing With Fire

· Tangled in Texas কিতাপ 2 · Tantor Media Inc · Mackenzie Cartwrightৰ দ্বাৰা বর্ণিত
10 ঘণ্টা 18 মিনিট
মূল্যাংকন আৰু পৰ্যালোচনা সত্যাপন কৰা হোৱা নাই  অধিক জানক
এটা 1 ঘণ্টা 1 মিনিট নমুনা লাগে নেকি? যিকোনো সময়তে শুনক, আনকি অফলাইন হৈ থাকোঁতেও। 
যোগ কৰক

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ বিষয়ে

Nothing ignites a fire like the perfect match . . . Anna Weber is every inch the proper librarian-old-fashioned, conservatively dressed right down to her tightly clipped flaming red hair. She's just moved to a small Texas town, and is determined to spend time with her friend before she has to disappear. Relationships aren't easy for her. She knows too well what it means to be burned. And the last thing she ever wants to do is fall in love . . . Especially not with a fireman who's hot enough to set the entire state of Texas on fire. Cowboy can't resist the fiery little librarian, and he's determined to make her his. Beneath that prim-and-proper exterior is a woman he very much wants to know-if she'd let him. She'll test his patience. His control. Hell, his very sanity. And for the first time, Cowboy wonders if he's found the one fire he can't control . . . Contains mature themes.

লিখকৰ বিষয়ে

Alison Bliss is the author of the Tangled in Texas series. Her writing career may have started out as a dare by one of her sisters, but she hasn't put her pen down since. Although she'll always be a Texan at heart, Alison resides in the Midwest with her Iowa farm-boy husband and their two sons.

Mackenzie Cartwright was born in New York City to two artist parents and traveled the world at a young age. While in Italy, she discovered the joys of pasta and wine and has been a lifelong practitioner of the art of cooking. Mackenzie lives with her husband and their Siberian husky in New York City.

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ মূল্যাংকন কৰক

আমাক আপোনাৰ মতামত জনাওক।

অডিঅ'বুক শুনাৰ নির্দেশাৱলী

স্মাৰ্টফ’ন আৰু টেবলেট
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ছিৰিজটো অব্যাহত ৰাখক

শ্ৰোতাসকলে এয়াও পচন্দ কৰিছে

Alison Blissৰ দ্বাৰা আৰু অধিক