True Creepy Crimes That Will Make You Lock Your Doors Tonight...
These true crime stories are so horrific, it’s difficult to believe they actually happened, or that human beings could be capable of committing such atrocities. And yet, these stories are indeed all true.
Sometimes, real life is a lot grimmer than fiction. Sometimes, it may involves murder, abduction, betrayal, torture, and death…
True Crime Stories That Will Shock You To Your Core.
If cop shows and forensic dramas have taught us one thing, it's that serial killers are a breed apart from other human beings. They're the monsters that hide in the shadows, the diabolical predators of otherwise peaceful times.
If serial killers are some of the most deranged creatures on earth, is it possible for some serial killers to be more deranged than others? As it turns out, it sure is possible, and the murderers on this list prove it.