Song lyrics by author Rachel Lawson
The Sea Of Time
I am lost in the sea of time,
I am merely a memory of seas gone by,
I am lost in time's wake,
Long forgotten is my world and time,
I am just a shadow of a shell, my old home,
Cry not for my loss, I am beauty in death's ardent clutch,
Death has no worry for the dead,
My world is dead, and my time is too,
I with the fishes of my seas swam in my era now I am just a neat relic of past life on ancient Earth,
My bones have melted away and become part of my stone shadow, a fossil
Rachel is a lover of Gothic
poetry and the stories of Emily Dickinson, Poe, and other poets and
writers. She writes in a gothic sometimes romantic, and somewhat eclectic style
Is a classic, prolific writer.