The Enchantress find her dream man he came from her dreams. Her partner her father Lance's boss Lando finds out he is losing her to a dream.
Her father and Lando get the help of Sandy, the Sandman to solve their problem and find out how he got to their world.
Also in book
Am I Just A Shadow You Drew?
When a routine magical event backfires on Lance, the Necromancer finds himself in a strange world where he discovers he's only a figment of an author's mind.
The Interview
Blake Alexander interviews the strangest people ever, Lance his son the Necromancer, and a lady he met in another universe. His creator.
Am I just a shadow you drew?
Am I just a ghost you never knew?
Am I only a dream in your mind?
Why were you so unkind?
If I am only a nightmare of your sleepless night,
I am lost in your world of terror and fright.
Rachel is a lover of gothic poetry and the stories of Emily Dickinson, Poe, and other poets and writers. She writes in a gothic sometimes romantic, and somewhat eclectic style
Is a classic, prolific writer.
Contact Rachel via her website