Jatadhar Bakshi is the first story among a comic trilogy based on a facetious cheat, penned by the legendary humorist – Rajshekhar Basu alias Parashuram or Parashurama or Parshuram, whom he constructed as one who used to get people under his spell with his gift of the gab. Spontaneity and imagination were such a natural disposition of this cheat that the gullible fell for his sleight repeatedly and almost happily and voluntarily till they realized it again.
The sequel to this work is Jatadharer Bipod.
One of the leading lights among the Bengal intellectuals of that era, Rajshekhar Basu, served us well with his characteristic humor-coated sarcasm that made fun of the irrationality and deep superstitions that were plaguing society and its people. Yet his writings ring as foresight even in this age of information overflow.
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