"Teachings of Srimad Bhagwat Purana: Deliverance Sri Pawan Dev Thakur." is really the need of the hour and demand of time. Our new generation need it more essentially. It covers several aspects of moral teachings that we need. It contains a brief description of various points of knowledge whether worldly or spiritual. Language of the book is comprehensive and easily acquirable for the common people. Chapters like- "Work is Worship", "Samskara", and "Aim of Human Life" give practical knowledge to us. Stories of Dhruva and Prahalada are heart touching. Teachings of the Gita are a good addition to the book. Learning of the Sanatana dharma is a must for all. Deliverance of Pujya Gurudev Sri Pawan Dev Thakur Ji Maharaj is highly essential for our new generation. Sacred knowledge on different issues of life has been included to facilitate the people learn and live a happy and prosperous life. It is a good guide and high motivation for the people in India and abroad. One must read it.
1. Introduction
2. Work is Worship
3. Work is Paramount
4. What is Samskara
5. Aim of Human Life
6. Importance of Bhakti
7. Bhakti Yoga in Bhagavad Gita
8. Importance of Devotion to God
9. Story of Krishna and Sudama
10. Story of Dhruva
11. Bhakta Prahalada
12. The Power of Name
13. Importance of Work Done for Good Cause
14. Salutations to Lord Krishna
15. Swami Vivekananda on Lord Krishna
16. Jnana Yoga (The Path of Knowledge)
17. Self (Atman)
18. Signs of Sthithprajna (A Man of Steady Wisdom)
19. Bhakti Yoga (The Path of Devotion)
20. Karma Yoga (The Path of Action)
21. The Three Gunas
22. The Tripple Divisions
23. Miscellaneous Sacred Knowledge
24. Prayer to Lord Krishna (By Suka, Narada)
The author belongs to the knowledge city Nalanda. He has written twenty educational books so far. Most of them are dedicated to the students and the youth. His books are as such:
1. Art of Conversation: Easy To Learn
2. Personality Development: A Piece of Learning
3. Etiquette & Manners: Learn Like This
4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad: A Multi-Dimensional Statesman of India
5. Swami Vivekananda: His Teachings To All
6. Manusmriti The Greatest Knowledge: Code of Social Conduct
7. Learning of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: An Impetus To The Youth
8. Atal The Invincible: A Grand Parliamentarian
9. Teachings of Srimad Bhagwat Purana: Deliverance Sri Pawan Dev Thakur
10. R.S.S. The Pride of Nation: Mission And Vision
11. A Practical Guide To Library Management
12. Learning On Happy And Healthy Married Life: A Guide To Married Couples
13. Simple Verbs Advanced Usages A Love For English
14. Abhinandan The Real Hero: A Story On Indian Fighter Pilot.
15. Magnetize Your Manners And Enhance Your Business Personality: Tips for the Professionals
16. Teachings Of The Dalai Lama: A Sense Of Humanity.
17. Savarkar A Hard Hidden Hero
18. Ashutosh The Rising: Soldier To Leader
19.41 Rules of Pronunciation of English Words, and
20. Lifelong Lessons And Powerful Insights: A Treasure of Wisdom.
He holds an M.A. in English, Library & Information Science, and Journalism & Mass Communication. He received his education from Nalanda, Patna, Madras (Chennai), Mysore, Meerut and Delhi. Also, he made a brief research on English Phonetics at self-study and received a letter of gladness from the University of London, UK