Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Asshole Survival Guide written and read by Robert I Sutton.
Being around assholes, whether at work or elsewhere, can damage performance and affect wellbeing: having one asshole in a team has been shown to reduce performance by 30 to 40%. And social media has only given rise to further incivility -- 40% of people have experienced harassment online.
But in The Asshole Survival Guide, Stanford professor Robert Sutton offers practical advice on identifying and tackling any kind of asshole -- based on research into groups from uncivil civil servants to French bus drivers, and 8,000 emails that he has received on asshole behaviour.
With expertise and humour, he provides a cogent and methodical game-plan to fight back. First, he sets out the asshole audit, to find out what kind of asshole needs dealing with, and asshole detection strategies. Then he reveals field-tested, sometimes surprising techniques, from asshole avoidance and asshole taxes to mind-tricks and the art of love bombing. Finally, he explains the dangers of asshole blindness - when the problem might be yours truly.
Robert Sutton is the bestselling author of The No Asshole Rule, on building civilized workplaces, which has sold 800,000 copies around the world, Good Boss, Bad Boss and Scaling Up Excellence. A professor at Stanford's Department of Management Science and Engineering, he co-launched the Designing Organizational Change Project, which develops evidence-based and useful ways to change organizations for the better. He is a fellow at IDEO and has published over 150 articles in academic journals and outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, the McKinsey Quarterly, and the Financial Times. Sutton was named as one of 10 B-School All-Stars by BusinessWeek, described as professors who are influencing contemporary business thinking far beyond academia. He tweets @work_matters