"Reputation depends not on what you intend, but what you do. Evidence accumulates every day. Here are 98 ways to check on your progress." Listening to any chapter in this book will increase self confidence. It reconfirms the reasons we continue to use Roger's ideas and books in our ongoing training and development programs. - Brooke Runnels, Training and Employee Communication Manager, The Biltmore Company. Here's my advice to everyone I know about YES You Can...don't leave home/school/present job without it!. - Mike Skaar, President and CEO, Not-For-Profit Strategies and Solutions, LLC. In helping develop business leaders, we want our students to not only read Roger's book but apply its core concepts. I have valued its content since seeing the manuscript. - Thomas H. Berliner, Ph.D., Director, MBA Program, Dunham School of Business, Aurora University.