Sacrifice for Power is an epic tale of vengeance, transformation, and divine retribution. Vaser Streght Gohth, a once mighty god with the power of the Sun, is betrayed by the treacherous Queen Galaxia. Stripped of his celestial abilities and cast down to Earth as an immortal human, Vaser embarks on a relentless quest to restore his lost power and exact his revenge.
Over the course of 1,112,000 years, Vaser becomes a hero to generations of mortals, battling foes, conquering impossible odds, and unraveling the mysteries of his past. Through every trial, he risks everythingтАФhis humanity, his soul, and his very existenceтАФto regain the strength that once defined him.
Passionate about reading and technological knowledge, the quest to improve people's lives and develop technological skills in every possible field of our lives.