E=mc2: You may think you know what this familiar formula means, but until you read Sam Silverstein’s breakthrough book you will not know its true power and potential. This forms the heart of the Theory of AccountabilityTM.
Silverstein’s Theory of Accountability has nothing to do with the speed of light, or the relationship between space and time. It has everything to do with personal and organizational growth and with establishing the kind of leadership in your own life that makes excuses a thing of the past and inspires true commitment from others. The Theory of Accountability states: Our lived EXPERIENCE is the direct result of our MINDSET and our COMMITMENT SQUARED.
E stands for Experience, which includes the outcomes we achieve in our life, in our business and everywhere else. It is what we produce. Our experience impacts the lives of everyone. All too often, our experience is erratic, random, unplanned and dysfunctional.
M is for Mindset. The accountable mindset is based on a conscious decision to embrace possibility rather than fear. When decisions are driven by fear, our experience and the experience of everyone we come in contact with suffers.
C2 stands for Commitment Squared. How do we ensure that our mindset is driven by possibility and abundance rather than by fear and scarcity? By focusing on our ability to make, keep and expand specific commitments. The quality of the results you achieve is always based on two things: how committed you are to people and how committed you are to your mindset and your core beliefs. These are the two commitments of the accountable person. When both kinds of commitments are in full play, you are living to your full potential. Such commitments are like compound interest. They produce increasingly greater results over time.
Sam’s book helps you take control of your life and transform yourself and your organization...by harnessing the awesome power of accountability.