Secret Relations

Finn O'Brien Crime কিতাপ 3 · Rebecca Forester · Mattএ AIৰ দ্বাৰা পঢ়ি শুনাইছে (Googleৰ পৰা)
9 ঘণ্টা 23 মিনিট
AIএ বৰ্ণনা কৰা
মূল্যাংকন আৰু পৰ্যালোচনা সত্যাপন কৰা হোৱা নাই  অধিক জানক
এটা 56 মিনিট নমুনা লাগে নেকি? যিকোনো সময়তে শুনক, আনকি অফলাইন হৈ থাকোঁতেও। 
যোগ কৰক

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ বিষয়ে

They're illegal. They're undocumented. They're disappearing.

The last thing Finn O'Brien wants is to come between his partner and her daughter, but Amber Anderson is desperate for his help. Her boyfriend, an undocumented immigrant, is missing. Uneasy about keeping a secret from his partner and hindered by the politics of the LAPD, Finn turns a deaf ear until the first body is found. Fighting a prejudiced system, Finn tracks a serial killer who preys on the most vulnerable; one with a gruesome secret that has been buried under decades of shame. To stop him, Finn O'Brien must navigate a shadowy world where life is cheap - even his own.

লিখকৰ বিষয়ে

USA Today and Amazon best-selling author, Rebecca Forster, wrote her first book on a crazy dare and found her passion. With over 40 books to her name, she was published by Harper Collins, Penguin Putnam, Pockets Books and others before becoming an independent author. A firm believer in hands-on research to make her books thrillingly realistic, she is a graduate of the ATF and DEA Citizen Academies, numerous weapons courses, and spends a great deal of time court-watching. Rebecca has also landed by tail hook and spent two days on an aircraft carrier. She taught at the UCLA Writers program and is married to a superior court judge.

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ মূল্যাংকন কৰক

আমাক আপোনাৰ মতামত জনাওক।

অডিঅ'বুক শুনাৰ নির্দেশাৱলী

স্মাৰ্টফ’ন আৰু টেবলেট
Android আৰু iPad/iPhoneৰ বাবে Google Play Books এপটো ইনষ্টল কৰক। ই স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাৱে আপোনাৰ একাউণ্টৰ সৈতে ছিংক হয় আৰু আপুনি য'তে নাথাকক ত'তেই কোনো অডিঅ'বুক অনলাইন বা অফলাইনত শুনিবলৈ সুবিধা দিয়ে।
লেপটপ আৰু কম্পিউটাৰ
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ছিৰিজটো অব্যাহত ৰাখক

Rebecca Forsterৰ দ্বাৰা আৰু অধিক

একেধৰণৰ অডিঅ’বুক