Wicca is a nature-based religion that has its roots in ancient Pagan beliefs. The central focus of Wicca is Nature with all its elements, particularly the Moon, honouring of whose phases helps us stay grounded and in touch with our own cycles of life. The concept of Mother Earth is particularly important for Wiccans and celebrating Sabbats, the 8 seasonal festivals, is a way of paying homage to the cycles of nature. At these times, Wiccans align themselves with the core life-giving energy of Nature. There are many ways to practice Wicca. You can do it as part of a coven, or as a solitary witch. You can join groups which focus on particular rituals or you can choose a tradition whose core beliefs resonate most with your own. However, regardless of the type of Wicca they practice, all Wiccans love and respect Nature and some form very personal relationships with animals (animal spirits), plants (spirit guides), or specific locations (the spirit of place) from which they draw energy, inspiration and guidance.
Here Are Some of the Chapters and Things You Will Learn In this AudioBook:-From developing your intuition, learning visualization, and understanding metaphysical aspects of life and learning to commune with Nature. This audiobook will hold your hand and guide you through the rituals step by step and aims to take you at a level of higher understanding whereby YOU will be the one crafting the spells you need in YOUR own way.