Sideways Chile: A Novel

Ā· Blackstone Audio Inc. Ā· į‰ Scott Brick į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ
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From the Academy Awardā€“winning writer Rex Pickett comes the third installment in the Sideways series.

Sideways: Chile follows the further adventures of Miles Raymond (played by Paul Giamatti in the critically acclaimed movie Sideways). Itā€™s now a few years later and Miles is a successful author with a blockbuster movie adaptation under his belt, but heā€™s still searching for something, and depression has him, once again, in its taloned grip.

When he is offered a chance to travel to the country of Chile and visit their wine regions for a magazine assignment, Milesā€”his world turned upside down by bad financial investments and even worse luck with relationshipsā€”happily agrees. A somewhat rudderless Miles finds Chile, their people, and their spectacular and vastly diverse wine regions, to be just the first step in a life-transforming journey.

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Rex Pickett is the critically acclaimed author of the novel Sideways, which was adapted into the iconic film of the same title. Sideways was nominated for five Academy Awards, winning for Best Adapted Screenplay, among 350 other plaudits. Pickett is the author of three Sideways sequelsā€”the IPPY Gold Medalā€“winning Vertical, Sideways Chile, and now Sideways New Zealand. He is also the author of The Archivist. Pickett is currently working on a postā€“Sideways New Zealand trilogy. A Southern California native, the Rex Pickett Papers are currently enshrined at Geisel Library on the campus of his alma mater, the University of California San Diego.

Scott Brick, an acclaimed voice artist, screenwriter, and actor, has performed on film, television, and radio. He attended UCLA and spent ten years in a traveling Shakespeare company. Passionate about the spoken word, he has narrated a wide variety of audiobooks. winning won more than fifty AudioFile Earphones Awards and several of the prestigious Audie Awards. He was named a Golden Voice by AudioFile magazine and the Voice of Choice for 2016 by Booklist magazine.

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į‰°įŒØįˆ›įˆŖ į‰ Rex Pickett

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į‰ Scott Brick į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ