Social Media: Best Practices

· Simply Magazine Incorporated · 讲述者:Deaver Brown
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Social Media is good term for one on one communication with customers and a critical emphasis for survival and productive efforts by all organizations, profit, non-profit, education, government, and unions. Marketers have long done this with ads, coupons, in-store discounts, premiums, and other such things. Now many are drilling down and capture names, emails, and individual information. This audiobook emphasizes how to empower these customers and potential customers to reach out to your organization in a two way dialogue, much like the old Greek Marketplace where people talked one on one, got ideas, and they were passed along. Social Media emphasizes best practices, how to listen until it hurts, how to modify one's perspective and that of your organization. From this, for example, Simply Magazine learned to feature audiobooks versus software, lecture length versus longer length except in fiction, and emphasize subject matters such as self-development and health that customers wanted to listen to. Simply Magazine learned to price at 4.99; high enough for value and low enough for impulse pricing--in the eyes of their customers. Social Media makes the point: let the customer lead you by listening closely to them, daily, adjusting as you learn more. Best practices emphasizes: What does the customer want? Are you providing it? Are you getting out of the way so the customer can get what they want? Coke did this masterfully when returning to Old Coke after listening to their customers anger about new Coke. This decision turned anger to applause. Apple does this continually under Steve Jobs, but not before his time when they stonewalled the customer after he left and before he came back. Mediocrity was the result. Social Media best practices can help you recover from errors such as Coke made and capitalize on opportunities as Steve Jobs has, but not his predecessors--by listening and responding using Social Media best practices. Keywords: Social Media, Coke, Greek Marketplace, discounts, premiums, communication.




Rohena has a long business career, being innovative and prudent. His use of social media is nuanced and appropriate in the complicated world involved in social media.




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