A Lost Love. A Cold Marquess. A Fateful Christmas Country House Party...
Mirabel’s dreams are shattered when her bridegroom vanishes without a trace from her little village in Cornwall. With a determined heart, she embarks on a journey to London to find him, only to find herself in humble service in a noble household. As time passes, the memory of her lost love lingers, defying the odds. When an unexpected opportunity arises to attend a lavish country house party as a companion, Mira seizes the chance.
Enter the enigmatic Lord Atherton, a sought-after bachelor known as the 'Cold Marquess.' His icy demeanour belies a longing for connection. At the opulent London opera, he's captivated by the exquisite Mira and resolves to make her his own. As Christmas approaches, a festive country house party sets the stage for a tale of lost love, concealed identities, and the promise of second chances. Will Mira's heart find the love it yearns for amidst the glistening snow and warm glow of Christmas?
This enchanting story serves as the prequel to the Viennese Waltz series, introducing a world of captivating characters and timeless romance.