**"The Eternal Fairytale" is an enchanting time travel romance novel that whisks readers away on a magical journey through history. Follow Emily, a young woman who discovers a mystical book that transports her to different historical eras, from the grandeur of Ancient Egypt to the mystique of Feudal Japan. Alongside Prince Alexander, who is bound by a curse, Emily must navigate each era and solve intricate puzzles to break the enchantment that holds him captive. With each adventure, their bond grows stronger, revealing a timeless love that transcends time and space. Dive into a world of magic, romance, and historical intrigue with "The Eternal Fairytale." Perfect for fans of historical romance and time travel fantasies."
time travel romance, historical romance novel, The Eternal Fairy tale , magical journey through history,break a curse .romance,enchanted book adventure,historical eras love story,romance across time periods,medieval kingdom romance, fantasy love novel