If you're seeking amazing and fascinating facts to learn and share, look no further., you came to the right place!
Did you know?
- Alexa is always listening in on what you're saying. To improve the overall experience, Alexa saves all of your conversation history in the cloud. IT IS CREEPY.
- Black cats are considered auspicious in the United Kingdom and Japan.
- Every month, around 6,000 new computer viruses are generated and distributed. 90 percent of emails are infected with malware!
- Germans once used their money as wallpapers and playthings. (FIND OUT)
- If you were at NASA, you would have an internet speed of about 91 GB per second. A thousand times faster than what we all usually have.
- McDonald's used to sell bubblegum-flavored broccoli.
- Money isn’t paper. Even though it is called paper money, it actually isn’t. That thing is cotton and linen.
- Our eyelashes have a life cycle; they can last for about two to eight weeks.
- Samsung uses a butt-shaped robot to assess handset longevity.
- The CIA has its own Starbucks, but the baristas do not write names on the cups.
- The two body parts that grow till the end of your life are the nose and ears.
- The word “robot” has quite a dark meaning. If you look into the etymology of the word "robot," you'll find that it derives from the Czech word....(FIND OUT)
- Our Lungs aren’t the same size!
- Every kind of tea you have ever had comes from a single plant. Be it, black tea, green tea, yellow tea, oolong, or even white tea.
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