For the past twenty years, humanity-along with its ultimate weapon, the superhuman warriors known as REVs-has been at war with the more powerful and technologically advanced Antaere race. As latecomers to the galactic community, the humans have been playing catch-up, proving that their innate skill at waging war can help skip a lot of steps on the way to galactic domination. That was until two years ago. Now nearly all the civilizations within the local Grid of colonized planets have turned against the humans, resulting in the loss of nearly all the territory they once fought and died for. But things are changing. Through recent revelations regarding the Antaere and their ultimate plan for their alien followers, old allies are slowly returning and asking for Earth's help in liberating their planets from the Antaere stranglehold. And the REVs are leading the way. However, things are not always as they seem. The Antaere are diabolical in their strategy. And when a recent mission goes bust, Earth is left in an even worse position than before. Lt. Zac Murphy and his super-REVs have their work cut out for them . . . if people will just let them do their job. After all, Zac is not only a new breed of REV . . . he's a new breed of man.
Science fiction & fantasy