Team Human

· RB Media · Douglas Rushkoff ଦ୍ଵାରା ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରାଯାଇଛି
1ଟି ସମୀକ୍ଷା
5 ଘ. 36 ମି.
ଅସଂକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ ଅଟେ
ରେଟିଂ ଓ ସମୀକ୍ଷାଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରାଯାଇନାହିଁ  ଅଧିକ ଜାଣନ୍ତୁ
33 ମି.ର ଏକ ନମୁନା ଚାହାଁନ୍ତି? ଯେ କୌଣସି ସମୟରେ, ଏପରିକି ଅଫଲାଇନ ଥିବା ସମୟରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଶୁଣନ୍ତୁ। 

ଏହି ଅଡିଓବୁକ୍ ବିଷୟରେ

"A provocative, exciting, and important rallying cry to reassert our human spirit of community and teamwork."?Walter Isaacson Though created by humans, our technologies, markets, and institutions often contain an antihuman agenda. Douglas Rushkoff, digital theorist and host of the NPR-One podcast Team Human, reveals the dynamics of this antihuman machinery and invites us to remake these aspects of society in ways that foster our humanity. In 100 aphoristic statements, his manifesto exposes how forces for human connection have turned into ones of isolation and repression: money, for example, has transformed from a means of exchange to a means of exploitation, and education has become an extension of occupational training. Digital-age technologies have only amplified these trends, presenting the greatest challenges yet to our collective autonomy: robots taking our jobs, algorithms directing our attention, and social media undermining our democracy. But all is not lost. It's time for Team Human to take a stand, regenerate the social bonds that define us and, together, make a positive impact on this earth.

ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ ଓ ସମୀକ୍ଷା

1ଟି ସମୀକ୍ଷା

ଲେଖକଙ୍କ ବିଷୟରେ

Douglas Rushkoff was born on February 18, 1961. After graduating from Princeton University he received an MFA in Directing from California Institute of the Arts. He has written numerous magazine columns on topics including cyberculture and has been aired on CBS Sunday Morning and NPR's All Things Considered and published in The New York Times and Time magazine. Rushkoff has taught at the MaybeLogic Academy, NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, and the Esalen Institute, and he teaches media studies at the New School University. Rushkoff lectures around the world about media, art, society, and change at conferences and universities. He consults to museums, governments, synagogues, churches, universities, and companies on new media arts and ethics. Rushkoff won the first Neil Postman award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity. He is on the Boards of the Media Ecology Association, The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, Technorealism, The National Association for Media Literacy Education,, and Hyperwords. His bestselling books include graphic novels, Cyberia, Media Virus, Playing the Future, Nothing Sacred: The Truth about Judaism, Get Back in the Box: Innovation from the Inside Out, Coercion, and Life Inc.

ଏହି ଅଡିଓବୁକର ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ କରନ୍ତୁ

ଆପଣ କଣ ଭାବୁଛନ୍ତି ତାହା ଆମକୁ ଜଣାନ୍ତୁ।

ଶୁଣିପାରୁଥିବା ତଥ୍ୟ

ସ୍ମାର୍ଟଫୋନ ଓ ଟାବଲେଟ
Google Play Books ଆପ୍କୁ, AndroidiPad/iPhone ପାଇଁ ଇନଷ୍ଟଲ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ। ଏହା ସ୍ଵଚାଳିତ ଭାବେ ଆପଣଙ୍କ ଆକାଉଣ୍ଟରେ ସିଙ୍କ ହୋ‍ଇଯିବ ଏବଂ ଆପଣ ଯେଉଁଠି ଥାଆନ୍ତୁ ନା କାହିଁକି ଆନଲାଇନ୍ କିମ୍ବା ଅଫଲାଇନ୍‍ରେ ପଢ଼ିବା ପାଇଁ ଅନୁମତି ଦେବ।
ଲାପଟପ ଓ କମ୍ପ୍ୟୁଟର
ନିଜର କମ୍ପ୍ୟୁଟର୍‍ରେ ଥିବା ୱେବ୍ ବ୍ରାଉଜର୍‍କୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି Google Playରୁ କିଣିଥିବା ବହିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଆପଣ ପଢ଼ିପାରିବେ।

Douglas Rushkoff ଦ୍ୱାରା ଅଧିକ

ସମାନ ଅଡିଓବୁକ

Douglas Rushkoffଙ୍କ ଦ୍ଵାରା ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା କରାଯାଇଛି