In this seventh installment of the Jeeves series, the unflappable butler once again must apply his cleverness to rescue Bertie Wooster— this time from being arrested, lynched, and engaged by mistake! Chaos ensues when Aunt Dahlia demands that Bertie help dupe an antique dealer into selling her an 18th-century cow creamer. Complications grow as Bertie's pal Gussie Fink-Nottle is more interested in studying the effects of a full moon on the love life of newts rather than marrying Madeline Bassett. Added to the cast of eccentrics are Roderick Spode— leader of a fascist organization called the Saviors of Britain— and an unusual man of the cloth known as Rev. H. P. "Stinker" Pinker. The seventh installment in the Jeeves series is off to a rollicking start.
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