The Excellency of Christ

· JF Audiobooks · John Formsma द्वारे सुनावणी
2 तास
संक्षिप्त न केलेले
रेटिंग आणि परीक्षणे यांची पडताळणी केलेली नाही  अधिक जाणून घ्या
12 मिनिट चा नमुना हवा आहे का? कधीही ऐका, अगदी ऑफलाइन असतानादेखील. 

या ऑडिओबुकविषयी

Jonathan Edwards, often referred to as America’s greatest theologian, lived from 1703-1758. He was wonderfully used by God in the American Great Awakening. This sermon is taken from Revelation 5:5-6, which pictures Jesus Christ as both a Lion and a Lamb.
Using this dual imagery of the Lion and the Lamb, Edwards magnified Christ in his majestic person as both God and man. Things that could never be said of mere men can be said of Christ. Only Christ is infinitely high, yet able to stoop to the lowest of men. Only Christ is infinitely just, yet at the same time, infinitely gracious. Only Christ could show an exceeding spirit of obedience, while at the same time having supreme dominion over heaven and earth.
For the Christian, this sermon is pure exaltation, pure enjoyment, and pure worship. After looking at the numerous “diverse excellencies” of Christ, Edwards ended with the gloriously blessed hope of the believer, to be together with the Triune God...forever.
This audiobook is read from Edwards’ original text with only a few minor changes to make it more understandable to the listener.

या ऑडिओबुकला रेट करा

तुम्हाला काय वाटते ते आम्हाला सांगा.

ऐकण्याविषयी माहिती

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