Meet Josh, a renowned author and expert in the field of strategy, geopolitics, and cybersecurity. With several books on strategy under his belt, Josh has established himself as a thought leader in the field. His latest book, 'Uncharted Waters: Regional and Global Implications of Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea' highlights his deep understanding of geopolitical issues and their impact on the global stage.
In addition to being an author, Josh is also a seasoned practitioner. He is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Cybersecurity at WGU, which further cements his position as an expert in this field. He runs a company that provides cybersecurity consulting services and conducts research, field work, and penetration testing to gather evidence and intelligence. This unique blend of academic and practical experience makes Josh a valuable asset in the world of cybersecurity.
Josh is committed to staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field. His expertise and passion for cybersecurity have made him a sought-after writer and consultant, and his contributions have been widely recognized and appreciated. Whether through his books, his work with clients, or his writing assignments, Josh continues to inspire and educate others, and make a lasting impact on the world of cybersecurity.