Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the Good News. Paul said that the Good News is how God saves people.
What is the Good News? Is our understanding of the Good News accurate and complete enough to produce salvation for ourselves and others?
The Good News begins when Zechariah prophesies that the promised blessing and kingdom have come. Zechariah's son, John the Baptist, continues this message.
Jesus adds to the Good News. He teaches the Good News of the Word and announces that he is the promised good shepherd. Near the close of his temporal ministry, Jesus reveals the coming of the promised new covenant and outpouring of the Spirit.
The Good News is the message that God has redeemed us, delivered us from the power of our enemies, and provided a way for us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness. It tells us how God did this and how we are to align our lives with God's deliverance and his provision for holiness and righteousness.
God's Good News declares deliverance in the present age, from destruction when God sweeps the wicked from the earth, and from eternal punishment in the future age.
I am the author of the web site I am also the author of the books:
The Guiding Into Truth Work of the Holy Spirit
Effective Prayer
Ceased from sin: Living to do God's will
Spiritual Warfare: Sowing
The Truth About Eternal Life
Go the Way You Should Go
Prepare for the End of the Age
Spiritual Growth
The Disciples We Should Make and How We Should Make Them
The Good News
The Scroll and Horsemen of the Book of Revelation
Spirit-guided Exegesis