The Highlander’s Match

· AA bidezko narrazioa, Ava narratzailearen ahotsarekin (Google-koa)
4 h 40 min
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AA bidezko narrazioa
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Highland lass Kristine Somerlad is neither male nor old, and yet, she’s the town elder, tasked with the safeguarding of a village which has been facing attack after attack and calamity after calamity. She’s written to their laird repeatedly, seeking assistance and protection from marauders. To no avail. And now the laird has sent the captain of his guard to collect the tithe. After all they’ve been through, all the losses, and now they want what little the village has. She will do her best to make sure she pays the obligation, though it galls her.

Highlander Fergus is a scarred, embattled, embittered soldier. He’s suffered greatly in his life, and has resorted to living a solitary and silent life. As the captain of Laird Carrick’s guard, he’s been given the duty of collecting the tithe. No big task, one would think. Until he runs into a lass who for some strange reason has become the village elder. A lass who stands up to him and suffers fools lightly. A stubborn lass who refuses to accept help. By damn, he’ll see to it she lets him help her and her people. At any cost.

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